Greetings my lovelies!
I hope you had an absolutely spiffing start
to 2014 and you closed the door to 2013 with pazazz
and opened the door to this glorious
new year with sparkle and style and an award winning smile
(please don't ask me where this stuff comes from,
it just does okay).
So let me start by saying,
firstly, that I didn't plan on Benedict Cumberbatch
being my chosen first post topic of the new year,
but it just so happens that yesterday, on a miserable
and rainy New Years Day, I watched the eagerly
anticipated and much longed for
episode of Sherlock, season 3, on BBC1.
Now I had heard all the hullabaloo (what a cool word)
about this series, with everyone bigging it
up and all that, as you do when something is amazing,
and guess what?
I didn't believe a single word of it,
because I'm a typical Brit and I have an upper lip as stiff as
Mary Berry's brown sugar meringues.
BUT.... believe it or not, something changed, and that
stiff upper lip softened like my skin when it's been lavishly moisturised (mmmm soft), and the curiosity bug bit, precisely three years after the show began.
Well you know what they say, better late than never.
Now I admit that what most enticed me into tuning
in to Sherlock was all the kerfuffle about him faking his own
death. I don't know why he did it,
but it intrigued me enough to want to know how he did it.
So I sat down, and watched,
and made all my family, who wanted to go home, watch.
We were all Sherlock virgins when we sat down,
but we were all Sherlock worshippers when we got back up.
I can honestly say I genuinely didn't expect it
to be so good, but it has just the right mix of everything
you need to make a fantastic TV show:
the actors, the setting, the editing ("he is a complete and utter" "pisspot"), the graphics,
the music, the humour, the tense-ness,
the epic plot line, the super human power.
All fab fabbity fab and so cleverly done.
British television at its very best
and I don't know if I can wait till Sunday to
watch episode number two.
But to ease the wait, there is of course the small matter
of Benedict Cumberbatch to help me.
Y'see, Benedict, I think, was the biggest surprise
of all. An utterly sublime acting talent though he is, that's not the thing that surprised me.
No, no what surprised me, was that
about fifteen minutes into the episode, something
completely unexpected happened...
something for which I fear there is no cure
(more like sincerely hope there is no cure...)
I came down with a curious case of Benedict
All you Sherlock devotees are probably more than
familiar with how these illness works, and have learnt
to ease the ache, but it only struck me last
night, and I can't hold it in any longer, I...
There, I said it.
Something about him did it for me, and
I don't know what it was, and if you google him
you won't see it. It's just something about him, that you can't really describe or see
on a picture.
The only way is if
you go to the BBC Iplayer and watch him
do his thing. Of course I don't think you'll be able to move
from your seat once it begins, for you
will be you will be paralysed by Cumberbatch-itus...
But it's a small price to pay when you
get some awfully brilliant television and some
nice dishy man candy in one.
Sherlock is on BB1 this Sunday at 8:30pm
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