I write to you on a big downer because last
has taken an epic nose dive after catapulting high
up into the heavens.
I'll tell you more about my sexy future hubby Alex Turner
and his Strictly winning dance moves and hip gyrations,
soon, but right now I just thought seeing
as I've just slaved through some Spanish homework
(one sheet of translations really knocks it out of you) I thought
hmmmmm I know what I'll do, I'll do a blog post.
And seeing as you don't know loads about me,
I thought I'd do a 'hi this is me' post and put 20 facts/
things about meeeeeeeeee for
your entertainment and enjoyment.
so here goes....
1) I eat food like a vacuum hoovers dust.
I literally just suck up any food that's in my pathway and because
I have a relatively speedy metabolism, you can't tell... yet.
So you'll recognise me when I'm 50 because I'll be rolling down the street like a giant obese bowling ball singing
'they see me rolling, they hating...'
2) Alex Turner is my no 1 man crush.
I love everything about him, his hair, his ears, his eyes,
his mouth, his voice, his laugh, his accent, his style, his musical
talents, his dance moves, his hip gyrating.
Love it love it love it (without sounding like a freaky stalker)
3) I go to college and I'm in year 13
and I'm studying four A Levels: art, biology, spanish and english lit.
And no, I haven't had that cataclysmic brain meltdown yet
that I mentioned in an earlier post.
I'm functioning just fine.
4) I'm a 1/4 Spanish.
My nana is from Galicia aka. the Manchester of Spain
(it's on the north west... kind of...) and she makes
me really nice food and she's numero uno.
I don't think I look Spanish but if I've inherited anything
Spanishy, it's the fiery tongue and argumentative
nature... and a fiery love
for empenadas and churros.
5) My little sister is my best friend.
She's two years younger but I always forget, plus she's
the same height as me, and I think we might be
twins, if that's possible.
I love her & she is more like me than I am,
we've got some telepathic connection I swear & I couldn't
live without her.
live without her.
6) I want to be Beyonce.
She is perfect.
And that is all I have to say.
7) I live in Derby, aka. right in
the middle of UK.
If the UK was a Cherry Bakewell,
Derby is the cherry again,
aka. right in the middle
(and awesome).
8) I have an art business called
Bluboca and you can look at it on
this link and follow us on twitter
@bluboca and we'll follow you back ^_^
If you want me to draw you anything
I can do that by the way.
ps. we sold a t-shirt last week and I made £2
and I'm still not over it.
9) I have no religion but I believe in a God.
I'm technically Catholic but since I've been old
enough to make my own decisions I decided I didn't want
to be and I respect Catholics and all other religions,
but personally it ain't fo' me.
10) When I put my ipod on when I'm walking
or on the bus I pretend I'm in a music video
and I'm secretly being filmed and I literally
act like I'm genuinely in a music video, like mouthing
the words, sly glances at the camera...
Okay I feel a bit embarrassed now...
I'll move on.
11) I eat one banana every day.
I drink 4 cups of tea a day.
I eat one bowl of porridge a day.
I'm a very interesting person.
12) I once pressed the stop button on the escalators
in M & S when I was little and they all stopped
and everyone was on them like 'wtf'.
And I was there like, ahhhh, so that's what that nice red button does.
-Y'know I don't know why I still think this is an interesting story
that will give people a new found respect for me
like 'woah did you hear that, she pressed the stop button
on the escalator... RAAAAAAD'
because lemme tell you something,
13) I've never had a boyfriend, never been kissed,
never swiped the v card, never held hands, etc.
(hello 30 year old virgin!).
It's because I'm fussy when it comes to boys,
or so I'm told by my friends, and if fussy is not wanting
to do any of those things unless
it's with someone you really really like/ love and trust
and not just so you can say you've done those things,
14) This Valentines day I got trapped in a toilet
in Spain and I trod in dog poo.
Need I say more?
15) I was a tramp in another life.
I don't know this for certain, but if you look at the
state of my room, I think you will agree.
16) I want to be a Speech & Language Therapist
and help people with communication and speech problems because
I can't think of anything more amazing and fulfilling
than helping other people every single day.
That would just be incredible.
17) I volunteer at the Stroke Association and I love
it and I'm best mates with an 84 yr old man called John.
We compliment each others choice of footwear each week
and last week his trousers fell down because he
forget his belt, bless him.
I love John.
18) I have this secret desire to be from Yorkshire,
as in, I get jealous of anyone who lives anywhere between
Chesterfield and Leeds or basically anywhere
above Derby. I have Yorkshire envy.
Heck, 4 out of the 5 UNI's I've applied to are in Yorkshire...
I love a man with a good old Yorkshire accent, so
hopefully my chances of finding one will be good.
19) I love reading and I read everything and anything,
ie. ads on the back of toilet doors,
and whatever I'm doing, I'm bored unless I'm reading
20) I was born 10 days after my due date.
That's not even interesting but it leads me onto the topic of time.
I like to be just on time, ie. not late, not early,
just right. It makes me feel good.
Just like tea, and cake, and Alex Turner, and starry
nights and blue skies and sleeping and
having no homework.
So yeah, that's just a few interesting things about me....
And as I pop off to do some Biology homework (YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY),
I'll leave you with one more.
Yesterday I went to the shop to buy a Milky Way bar and
I gave the lady the money and as the receipt came through
I lent over and tore off the receipt,
like that's what you do.
Ha ha.
You don't.
The lady just looked at me like 'what the...' and
I looked at my hand and as like, 'what the hell did I just
do that for?!?!?!?!?!?!'
You don't do that EVER EVER EVER.
I apologised and ran away.
lovely post! :)
Aw thank you very much!!! ^_^