We all want to be it.
Heck, when I walk around college, I want people to look
at me and for even one split millisecond just maybe,
possibly think that I'm cool.
I don't know if they do, but we can all dream right?
To be cool, as in, proper cool,
as in, not 'popular crowd' cool, you need to radiate some sort
of fearless, head strong, assured vibe that other people
can pick up on and be like 'damn, wish I was like that'.
You need to be an individual, your own person,
wear what you want, be who you want, and hope that someone
somewhere is looking at you thinking
they want a piece of whatever it is that you're having.
Here's my list of cool people:
1) Judd Nelson in The Breakfast Club
(Bender you beauty)
(Bender you beauty)
2) James Dean
3) Matt Healy (The 1975)
4) Alex Turner (ma bby 4 lyf)
5) Haim (my girls)
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