Tuesday, October 22, 2013


So I don't know if you've guessed....
but one of my favourite films EVER is John Hughes' 1985 classic

I discovered it twenty eight years too late and
didn't even exist on this planet on it's tenth anniversary,
but that's not a problem my friend, because good films 
 always, always stand the test of time.

And this film is just AMAZING.

The Breakfast Club is about
five teenagers at Shermer High School who each happen to have
detention for various reasons one Saturday. 
Each represents a different
stereotype: the criminal, the princess,
the basket case, the athlete and the brain.

And the film focuses on how they initially
think they've got nothing in common and are nothing more
than their respective stereotypes.

 Yet by the end they release they all have something
 in common, and walk away with completely 
different opinions of each other and a new found respect and understanding that wasn't there before.
They realise that they are each so much more than their preconceived stereotypes.

It's an American high school classic
it's got a fab story line, witty, unique, memorable characters,
fantastic actors (namely Judd Nelson & 
Anthony Michael Hall), the bad boy good girl romance...
It's funny, it's poignant, thought provoking,
iconic, timeless, perfect

And I just thought you should know
(that's if you didn't already).

If you haven't watched The Breakfast Club 
already, you should also know that you will have a big crush
on Judd Nelson, aka. bad boy Bender,
 after you watch this, and you will also want geeky Brian
to be your new best friend

And the scene where Claire goes
to find Bender, and everything after that is
so heartwarming and lovely
and ooooooohhhhhhh I LOVE IT/ THEM SO MUCH.
My heart goes all tingly
just by writing about it! (:

I really could go on for absolutely ages about this
film, but I don't want to bore you.

But please, please, please



-if you have watched it, please comment so
we can rave about it together ^_^

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