As you're probably more than aware, tomorrow is
Valentines Day, and as is always the case with me,
I don't have a Valentine.
My Nan & Grandad took pity on me this year and
sent me an 'anonymous' card in the post (LOL LOL
LOL LOL) and bought me chocolates to make
LOL LOL) and bought me chocolates to make
me feel better (which I can't stop eating).
I have to say, from my first ever experience of receiving
an 'anonymous' card, I ruddy hate it because I don't
like not knowing who sent it me.
Does my absolute NUT in.
As soon as I opened my card I was straight on the phone
to my Nan & Grandad,interrogating them for five minutes
straight until they finally gave in and admitted it
was them.
Of course I then said they could do better aka. give me
more chocolates next time plz.
But back to the matter, this year is the first
year EVER where nearly all my friends have boyfriends and
whatevs', and they're all getting cooked for or taken
out and getting more chocolates than me & all that jazz.
I of course am single as always, but today I've
been thinking things through and realised that I haven't
really met anyone who 'floats my boat' yet, or basically
I like/ love enough to want him to be my boyfriend.
And I'm actually strangely excited, once again, at the
thought of being a single lady (ooh er).
And as for Valentines Day, well I can't say it
matters that much to me any more. It's a cute idea but
me being me, I always expected some guy to come out of
me being me, I always expected some guy to come out of
the shadows and proclaim his love for me on that one
specific day every year, and that we would live happily
ever after, which of course never ever ever EVER
So this year, I'm spending the day with one of my lovely
single friends and weirdly enough, one of my friends who
is in a relationship, and who was moaning to me last year
about being single still (bless her), because she 'didn't
want to be left out' and 'miss out on all the fun' (hah)
I think we're going to go mini golf in Nottingham
or stay in and watch movies and eat chocolates and
be like 'woo hoo, single lyf 4 da win'.
Either way, it's a vast improvement on last year
when I got locked inside a toilet in Spain and
had to be rescued by a hunky Spanish man in front
of my entire Spanish class plus some Spanish people
too ;)
Happy Valentines Day to you all!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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