Sunday, February 9, 2014


Today my Nana & Grandad came round for dinner and we got
talking and one of the things we got talking about earlier
was a man my Nana used to date when she was younger.

Now I'm a big believer that everything happens for a 
reason, and my belief in this is something that I know
for a fact will never change. To me it just seems so
logical and what my Nana told me made me believe it
even more ( if that was possible)and this is the story...

So my Nana is Spanish, and she grew up in Spain
just after the Civil War. When she was a young woman
in the 1950'sshe fell in love with a man from her 
village. He was called Alejandro and they were completely 
and utterly smitten with one another.

They were together for three years and everyone in the
village was certain that they were going to get married.
It all seemed so perfect for my beautiful Nana and the
handsome and lovely Alejandro, but sadly tragedy struck.
One day my Nana said goodbye to Alejandro and he said
he'd see her two days later, but he never made it.

Alejandro was involved in a car crash with his friends
and sadly it took his life. He was the only one not to 
survive. It makes me feel sad just thinking about it,
fifty years or so later, and for my Nana, it was
absolutely devastating -she had to wipe away tears 
as she told me. It broke her heart, she didn't
eat for days, she was so lost without him, and
it had come so out of the blue when it seemed like
nothing could go wrong.

And of course I understand how tragic it was as he
was so young and in love with his whole life ahead of
him, and Alejandro must've been the most loveliest guy,
judging by the way my Nana still speaks about him.
But the thing is, if he hadn't died on that day,
it's almost certain that my Nana would have married him
and she never would have moved to London, which
she did to try to overcome her broken heart, and most
importantly, she never would have met my Grandad

Even when she was in London, on the day she met my
Grandad at a dance hall somewhere in the city, she
was so close to going to meet another man next to
Victoria Station. I find it so strange to think that if
Alejandro hadn't died, or she had gone to meet
that other man instead of my Grandad, as a consequence
9 people including myself wouldn't be here, and who
knows who would be here in our place?

All of our lives were dependent on both the death
of a young man and a split decision that my Nana made 
without knowing at all what would happen as a result, 
not to mention the other decisions that our parents
and grandparents made and events that happened in between.

And when I think of the members of my family
and what they've achieved, all the lives that have
stemmed from my Nana and those before her, it feels
like we were meant to be here for a reason. 
It feels like everything that happened was meant to 
happen for a reason. In this case of Alejandro it's
so tragic, and I wish he hadn't died, but at the same
time maybe he was meant to die, because in losing one
life, nine more were made possible.

And I think that's pretty incredible.

And I can think of so many more examples of why 
everything must surely happen for a reason, but I think
that this is such a powerful example and I hope
you agree too :)

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