Thursday, November 28, 2013


When I think of the personification of a strong, independent, feisty 
woman, I almost always think of the fabulous 
Beyonce Knowles.

To me, this woman is the definition of female
empowerment, and as of today, as the title says, I'm sort of kind
of doing a Beyonce myself and following in her footsteps 
and adopting her mantra when it comes to love.

Because you see, dear reader, lately something
inside me has changed.
I didn't notice this had changed until the last few weeks
it sort of hit me wham bam and I was just like
'what de.... when deed dees happen?'

And I'll tell you about it now.

For as long as I can remember being a fluorescent adolescent,
I have always had crushes and always always
always wanted a boyfriend and a super cute relationship and
yaddah yaddah yah.

Even earlier this year I was yearning for it,
and I always seemed to feel insecure because I didn't have
a boyfriend. I felt incomplete, like something was missing.
I felt frustrated that I didn't have what my
friends had, and that I could never seem to find love or a
It was like I deemed myself inadequate until
I found my match.

The thought of being the only girl in my friendship group
without a boyfriend scared the crap out of me.
The thought of never finding a boyfriend till university
made me want to cry up to the heavens to get
God himself to come down here and reason with me
as to why I couldn't have one sooner.

But then..... at some point this month,
something changed.
This longing, this insecurity, this need, this desire,
this sadness, this frustration, this wanting, this caring, it all
just disappeared, went right out the window.
And I suddenly realised that the fact of the matter was,

About boys, love, any of it.

And for me that's a pretty big thing.

And what I mean by not caring is this:

1) I don't care that I don't have a boyfriend.
2) I don't care that it's not working out with anyone I do meet.
3) I don't care that my friends have boyfriends and dates
and I don't; I don't feel any less than them or
like I'm missing out.
-How can I miss something I've never had or experienced?
4) In a typical British sentiment I quite simply cannot be
arsed to stress over this anymore.
Q) Who cares?
A) Not me! (finally)

I'm not yearning for love and romance and relationships and boys.
I literally do not care.

Today I decided it was the right time to hold my hands
up and surrender, admit it's not working, it's not my time or my
moment, and take a step back out of the game.
I read somewhere that sometimes you need to give in and accept
defeat in order for better things to come together.
And that's what I'm doing. 

I'm not walking away with or out of shame or defeat or weakness,
I'm walking away because I realised actually I'm happy on my own.
And this is where the whole Beyonce bit comes in.

I realised that I have never felt as strong, independent or
mentally and emotionally well as I do right now.
To use another British sentiment, I feel BLOODY FANTASTIC, and 
if there was anytime that I felt I was ready
to stand proud on my own two feet, it's now.
I can handle being single.

I don't feel like I need anyone to complete me or support me,
and I'm actually kind of glad I haven't met the right person yet and
that it hasn't worked at all for me yet.

Having said that, I know I'm on this love sabbatical and all that,
but if the right person happened to pop up and say hi,
or if my dream way to fall in love happens, where I see
a stranger across a room and I just know right there and then
that he is the one, then that again is BLOODY FANTASTIC.

But until that moment comes,
I bid you farewell tonight as a girl on the brink
of womanhood who is feeling single and proud and pretty alright
and just a little bit sassy, if I must admit it.
And if I can make it to this stage,
then I'm pretty sure you can too.

Don't be afraid to walk alone and don't be afraid to like it <3


Whilst I'm on a roll, rambling on about things
I like, I may as well tell you about my love for stars.

I adore those glistening beauties that are like
sky diamante, and a clear starry night will never cease to amaze
me. If you're out with me, and we come across
a night like that, we won't be going anywhere fast because
I will be looking up at the sky in pure wonder
and awe and amazement and repeatedly saying
'look at the stars... wow... just look at the stars'

Take a look at some of these breath taking and utterly
gorgeous pics and you'll probably get the jist (that's if you haven't
already) ;)





these will be going on any future trees of mine

(you see those people, yeah that's me)



Before I die, I need to see a sight like
this with my own two eyes. I'd probably faint with
love and amazement but my god, wouldn't it be worth it for a sight 
like this...

TWITTER: @diamond_glasses


I am one of those lucky sods
who's fortunate enough to have walked across the holy
land, aka. heaven on this earth, aka,

And because NYC is quite possibly the most
gorgeous place in the world at Christmas time, aside Santa's
crib up in Lapland, and because as of
Monday it is officially less than a month until
we are simply having a wonderful Christmas time, I thought
I'd post some magical and utterly beautiful pictures of the BIG APPLE.

So enjoy my darlings...
and please join me in weeping in sorrow if like me, you
are stuck in the absolute furthest place away from NYC you could
possibly get :'(
(cough cough, Derby)

Oh my god I am literally crying!!



And just to get you in the mood...
it's my absolute FAVOURITE christmas song

by The Pogues ft Kirsty MacColl 


Sunday, November 24, 2013


So you may or may not know that
I have my own art and design business!

(well if you have eyes and you're quite perceptive
you'll notice the ad to the right of this blog...) 

And my art and design business is called

I said I'd tell you about it sometime,
and I guess I kind of am today, but I'm just writing
about it a but today because I've spent
so much time this weekend doing
drawings for my redbubble store!

And I thought you might want to see some of them...

So number one is the fabulous


Unfortunately I can't sell this design on my store
due to copyright claims or something silly like that- I mean,
how can you copyright a person.
But I slaved away at this so I thought it should
get a chance to say hi somewhere.
So here's Brucey!

-if you like this drawing and you wanted a copy,
I can sort something out for you!
Email me at...


Number two is my favourite model,


I love this girl, she's so funny and down to earth.
I kind of want to be her best friend.
Even though she's a top class, mega famous model,
and everyone practically licks the ground she walks across, 
she doesn't take herself to seriously and I like that.

You can get this design at...

If you have a suggestion for another model
you'd like me to draw for you, please comment on this post!

Next is the utterly gorgeous and sublime


This man is phwoaaaarrrrrr.
If I was the same age as him.... man we would be
married and making gorgeous little Depp babies and and and....
Okay, back to reality, aside from his looks, I swear
he's one of the best actors EVER; the way he gets into character
and seemingly undergoes metamorphosis to become these people 
is crazy and I love him.
He's awesome.

You can purchase Mr Depp at

If you've got an actor/ actress suggestion


Number four is one of my favourite couples,


I think these two were divinely sweet and their
love was so random yet beautiful.
In my opinion they're the most perfect trans-channel couple
She's an English model, he's a French musician,
they both were superstars in the glamorous sixties and seventies.
Need I say more?!

If you love them as much as I do, take a look at...

The final drawing I did this weekend was
of a beautiful 

Spanish Senorita.

I made her up all in my mind and I might do some more
drawings of girls with flowers in their hair like this. You may
remember me saying I'm a 1/4 Spanish and this is
kind of like a tribute to my Spanish roots.
Also, this shade of my pink is my favourite shade of pink,
just in case you like, wanted to know...

Swing by the Senortia at

for a close up version,

and this link for a full length version!


Thanks for taking a nosey!
If you have any comments or requests or commissions please put them below
or email me at (:


TWITTER: @bluboca (follow us & we promise to follow you back!)
INSTAGRAM: bluboca (again- we'll follow you back!)
FACEBOOK: type in Bluboca...


Tuesday, November 19, 2013



I write to you on a big downer because last
has taken an epic nose dive after catapulting high
up into the heavens. 

I'll tell you more about my sexy future hubby Alex Turner
and his Strictly winning dance moves and hip gyrations,
soon, but right now I just thought seeing
as I've just slaved through some Spanish homework
(one sheet of translations really knocks it out of you) I thought
hmmmmm I know what I'll do, I'll do a blog post.

And seeing as you don't know loads about me,
I thought I'd do a 'hi this is me' post and put 20 facts/
things about meeeeeeeeee for
your entertainment and enjoyment.


so here goes....

1) I eat food like a vacuum hoovers dust. 
I literally just suck up any food that's in my pathway and because
I have a relatively speedy metabolism, you can't tell... yet.
So you'll recognise me when I'm 50 because I'll be rolling down the street like a giant obese bowling ball singing
'they see me rolling, they hating...'

2) Alex Turner is my no 1 man crush.
I love everything about him, his hair, his ears, his eyes,
his mouth, his voice, his laugh, his accent, his style, his musical
talents, his dance moves, his hip gyrating.
Love it love it love it (without sounding like a freaky stalker)

3) I go to college and I'm in year 13
and I'm studying four A Levels: art, biology, spanish and english lit.
And no, I haven't had that cataclysmic brain meltdown yet
that I mentioned in an earlier post.
I'm functioning just fine.

4) I'm a 1/4 Spanish.
My nana is from Galicia aka. the Manchester of Spain
(it's on the north west... kind of...) and she makes
me really nice food and she's numero uno. 
I don't think I look Spanish but if I've inherited anything
Spanishy, it's the fiery tongue and argumentative
nature... and a fiery love
for empenadas and churros.

5) My little sister is my best friend.
She's two years younger but I always forget, plus she's
the same height as me, and I think we might be
twins, if that's possible.
I love her & she is more like me than I am,
we've got some telepathic connection I swear & I couldn't
live without her.

6) I want to be Beyonce.
She is perfect.
And that is all I have to say.

7) I live in Derby, aka. right in
the middle of UK.
If the UK was a Cherry Bakewell,
Derby is the cherry again,
aka. right in the middle
(and awesome).

8) I have an art business called
Bluboca and you can look at it on 
this link and follow us on twitter
@bluboca and we'll follow you back ^_^

If you want me to draw you anything
I can do that by the way.
ps. we sold a t-shirt last week and I made £2
and I'm still not over it.

9) I have no religion but I believe in a God
I'm technically Catholic but since I've been old
enough to make my own decisions I decided I didn't want
to be and I respect Catholics and all other religions,
but personally it ain't fo' me.

10) When I put my ipod on when I'm walking
or on the bus I pretend I'm in a music video
and I'm secretly being filmed and I literally
act like I'm genuinely in a music video, like mouthing 
the words, sly glances at the camera...
Okay I feel a bit embarrassed now...
I'll move on.

11) I eat one banana every day.
I drink 4 cups of tea a day.
I eat one bowl of porridge a day.
I'm a very interesting person.

12) I once pressed the stop button on the escalators
in M & S when I was little and they all stopped
and everyone was on them like 'wtf'.
And I was there like, ahhhh, so that's what that nice red button does.
-Y'know I don't know why I still think this is an interesting story
that will give people a new found respect for me
like 'woah did you hear that, she pressed the stop button
on the escalator... RAAAAAAD'
because lemme tell you something,

13) I've never had a boyfriend, never been kissed,
never swiped the v card, never held hands, etc.
(hello 30 year old virgin!).
It's because I'm fussy when it comes to boys, 
or so I'm told by my friends, and if fussy is not wanting 
to do any of those things unless 
it's with someone you really really like/ love and trust
and not just so  you can say you've done those things,

14) This Valentines day I got trapped in a toilet
in Spain and I trod in dog poo. 
Need I say more?

15) I was a tramp in another life.
I don't know this for certain, but if you look at the
state of my room, I think you will agree.

16) I want to be a Speech & Language Therapist
and help people with communication and speech problems because
I can't think of anything more amazing and fulfilling
than helping other people every single day.
That would just be incredible.

17) I volunteer at the Stroke Association and I love
it and I'm best mates with an 84 yr old man called John.
We compliment each others choice of footwear each week
and last week his trousers fell down because he
forget his belt, bless him.
I love John.

18) I have this secret desire to be from Yorkshire,
as in, I get jealous of anyone who lives anywhere between
Chesterfield and Leeds or basically anywhere
above Derby. I have Yorkshire envy.
Heck, 4 out of the 5 UNI's I've applied to are in Yorkshire...
I love a man with a good old Yorkshire accent, so
hopefully my chances of finding one will be good.

19) I love reading and I read everything and anything,
ie. ads on the back of toilet doors,
and whatever I'm doing, I'm bored unless I'm reading

20) I was born 10 days after my due date.
That's not even interesting but it leads me onto the topic of time.
I like to be just on time, ie. not late, not early,
just right. It makes me feel good.
Just like tea, and cake, and Alex Turner, and starry
nights and blue skies and sleeping and
having no homework.

So yeah, that's just a few interesting things about me....

And as I pop off to do some Biology homework (YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY),
I'll leave you with one more.

Yesterday I went to the shop to buy a Milky Way bar and
I gave the lady the money and as the receipt came through
I lent over and tore off the receipt,
like that's what you do.
Ha ha. 
You don't.
The lady just looked at me like 'what the...' and
I looked at my hand and as like, 'what the hell did I just
do that for?!?!?!?!?!?!'
You don't do that EVER EVER EVER.
I apologised and ran away.


Wednesday, November 13, 2013


So yesterday I watched
a documentary about Fleetwood Mac with my daddio,
and don't get me wrong - I already liked Fleetwood Mac before I
watched it- but for some reason, 
that documentary made me really really like Fleetwood Mac.
And as of today, Wednesday 13th December,
I am engaged in a love affair with Fleetwood Mac.

And I just thought you all should know.

The moment I decided they were kind of alright,
was when the mobile network '3' used 'Everywhere', sung beautifully
by the lovely Christine McVie, on an advert, which featured
 a rather groovy horse that seemed to have been possessed
 by Michael Jackson's spirit.

I just thought the song was so beautiful
and dreamy, and I wanted to hear more. Plus Glee had done
an episode on Fleetwood Mac's 1977 smash hit 'Rumours' at some point,
which also had me nodding my head in approval.

And watching the documentary last night
made me realise I had actually heard a lot of Fleetwood Mac's
songs without realising it was them who'd actually written them and sung them. It was a bit of an eye opener to say the least.
And going back to 'Rumours', I thought it was so interesting
how they made it, as the two couples within
the band -Stevie Nicks & Lindsey Buckingham, and John & Christine McVie-
both broke up in the midst of writing the album.

I didn't know this till yesterday, but Stevie wrote 'Dreams' about Lindsey, and Lindsey wrote 'Go Your Own Way' about Stevie in response to 'Dreams'. And then, each of them had to perform them live in front
of each other AND provide backing vocals for each song.

Talk about awkward.
But still I love how each song has such meaning,
and how each is song is a response to another song.

My favourite Fleetwood Mac songs are as follows
(btw. number doesn't dictate order of preference- I love them all!):

1) Dreams

2) Go Your Own Way

3) Everywhere

4) Songbird

5) Don't Stop

Of course they're all the typical Fleetwood Mac songs,
but I don't care -THEY'RE FRIGGIN' AWESOME!-

So now I'm off to pester my dad to dig up his collection
from somewhere in the depths
of our house, or his car, so that I can listen
to some more Mac.
The other night we were driving back from the cinema
from seeing the incredible 'Rush', and Dad put Fleetwood Mac
and we were singing along to all the
hits and it was so so so so amazing, and it made me
love them even more.

So yeah, I'm now in a love affair with this band.
As I go, please enjoy these Mac pics that I have lovingly found for you.