Wednesday, October 9, 2013


So this post is kind of to do with love...
I'm kind of inviting you into the goings on in my heart.

Y'see, for the last year I've had a crush on
this guy at my college who just
happens to be an aspiring musician (ie. right up my street).

And obviously at the beginning
it was lovely and perfect and you have
every hope in the world. You're both looking at each
other all the time and thinking this could
really go somewhere and believing it really will.

But the problem was, we had no chance.
We were never introduced, we had no mutual friends or classes,
nothing nothing nothing, both shy, both a little awkward,
and the bottom line is, no matter how much
you convince yourself you do,
you don't really know each other.

And without that essential little component,
nothing can happen.
And as time went on, I wanted more, I wanted to find someone
who I actually spoke to and who made me feel like
something could really truly happen.

And so my feelings slowly burned less brightly,
and I didn't like him like I once did.
It was like hitting a brick wall again and again
and I knew things had to change,
no matter how lovely I thought he was.

And for the record, I still think
he's a lovely person- he's in my form now and
he makes me laugh, which I like (:
But the other day, something happened, and I found
that the loyalties of my heart kind of swapped.
And I closed the door on him.
And someone else kind of kicked open another...

Y'see, the last month or two
I've got to know this guy in one of my classes.
We sit next to each other, and I never dreamed I would get
on with him. But but but, we literally
get on like a house on fire.

It's kind of hard to learn when I'm sat
next to him because he always makes me laugh,
and I always make him laugh,
and we just get on so well and it's lovely
because I've never had that before.
forget everyone else is there when I'm with him,
it's like it's just me an him, laughing away,
as usual, much to the annoyance
of my teacher.

Now I wouldn't say I fancy him,
but I would say that I have this affection towards him
that slowly gets a little stronger
every time I'm with him, and again,I've
never had anything like that before.

And sometimes I don't know if
he's feeling it too. Last lesson there was a moment
where I definitely felt like he might be, 
but I can't be sure, and I don't
want to rush or assume or mess it up,
because I love just knowing him and chatting to him.

So as I finish this awfully
long post off, I'll say that for me,
one thing came to an end, but, it
coincided with the beginning of another,
and I don't know what might happen,
but what I can say,
is I'm so, so happy I've found him.


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