Friday, February 28, 2014


When I found this the other day, I couldn't help but think how true it was.
It resonated with me so strongly, because it made me think of a couple of people
I've met this year, or people that I've grown really close too, who I would never had
thought I could click so well with, yet I do, and in some cases better than people I've
known for so much longer.

I've been lucky enough to meet some really wonderful people, people with whom
I can completely be myself around, people who never give me a reason to do anything
but smile, people who make me feel complete in some way, people who I truly hope
remain in my life for a long, long time to come.

These people are ones who I never saw coming, yet they just appeared, like
some greater force knew that they were exactly what I needed, the right kind of
people to surround myself with, and these people have given me hope in the world,
that some truly amazing people really do exist, and hoping to meet people like that 
isn't a foolish dream to have. It is real. They exist. You just have to find them.
Or wait for them to find you.

Another reason why I like this quote though, is because it isn't all the usual
'when you find someone like that you should never let them go', because I know
that in an ideal world, once you find these sorts of people you should never let
them out of your sight. But in the real world, it's not always that easy.

One person I've met this year, I know for almost certain that despite the
huge impact they've made on my life, we will go our separate ways in a few
months time. This person, one of those special people of whom you only 
meet but a few in your lifetime, will slip through my fingers, and even though 
finding someone like them has been a dream come true, we aren't close enough 
or confident enough to keep our relationship going. 

It's just something that existed in this moment in time, and it was special, and
beautiful while it lasted, and even though I wish I could take them with me through the
rest of my life, I just don't think it's meant to be. So I guess all you can do is just
appreciate what you had, what little you have left to come, and just be grateful. 

And as for those who you meet and you know will be sticking around, 
try to hold on to them for as long as you possibly can.



Don't mind me, just having an 'I heart The Great Gatsby' moment.





My bedroom is a complete and utter creative catastrophe in the best way
possible. It's literally my source of inspiration because it's so jam packed full of
pictures, photos, colours, textures, quotes et al. I can spend hours just looking
at every little last detail, and I just thought I'd share it with you too :)

An image of a boat in some tranquil location provides a source of escapism
from Derby, which is a bit like comparing me with Beyonce aka. nowhere near that 
level of beauty and perfection.

I used to have an obsession with Paperchase postcards... can you tell?
My clock (only £3!) has broken though so in my room it's permanently quarter to 11.

A vintage map of the world. I love to look at this and imagine where I will
visit next. I keep meaning to put pins in the places I've already visited!

 My absolute faves + my inventive use of coke cans and a paper plane my friend from Spanish
class made me as my paper plane making skills are non existent. // One of my jam packed walls...

 Another shot of the wall featuring my gorgeous ruby red guitar, lanterns and eternal fake
flowers // Even my wardrobe has had the postcard treatment (plus a bit of tinsel that stays there
all year round).
Once I went shopping and found these in a shop. They're meant to be table mats but
I stuck them on my wall instead and I write inspirational messages to myself.
They're like little black boards and they came with their own chalk. Pretty cool huh? ;)

 Sticky notes with lyrics on them that I like ft. one of my fave photos of Audrey Hepburn //
Me doing the peace sign in the mirror, where I stick my gig tickets, like it's 2008 all over again.

Never forget this, even on those crap days where you just want to
dig a hole in the ground and live a worm like exsistance.

Photo booth photos are the best. If I could have a permanent photobooth
in my room I would. These are some with my Ma & Pa, one in Brick Lane and one in 
Camden Town. I also stick my train and subwaytickets here too because I'm indie like that.

My noticeboard which I made in the summer of 2010 and is now 4 years out of date but still
nice to look at. Above that are lots of photos from this year of college which I look at
to remind myself of some pretty awesome times. // I pimped my light switch and put a postcard
of Gerard Pique my bezzie sent me from Barcelona to perk me up for the day.

I hope you liked this little insight into my world.... :)


London agency Mediarun Digital has created this cute illustration of every dress worn by the Best Actress Academy Award winner

I thought this little series of illustrations by London design agency 'Mediarun Digital'
featuring all the dresses ever won by winners of the Best Actress Award at the Oscars
was so cute! So I just thought I'd share it with you. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Do you like my title? (Forever trying to be cool).
Now I know what you're thinking, 'why on earth is she doing a post
about coats when it is very nearly Spring?' and yes, I agree with you,  but
the thing is, I'm English. And this is important for three things:

1) Burberry and Barbour et al all come from here. Loving coats and everything
is practically in our blood.
2) Our signature style normally involves some fancy, smart tailored coat
of sorts (think Sherlock)
3) The majority of the year it is either rainy, windy , cold or grey, for instance today it
began nice and sunny and warm and within the space of four hours it has turned cloudy,
so from about September to April WE NEED A COAT.

And lastly, I am a great believer in the magic of a good coat.
It's incredible how the addition of a tailored, good fitting, neutral coloured,
nicely cut coat can completely transform an outfit.
I can wear sports gear (not that I own any), put a said coat on top
and voila, I somehow look ten times more fashionable and stylish than
I did a minute ago.










Wassup my homies.
I've got three brand new songs for you to check out:


I love this guy and understandably I therefore love all his music.
Every song to me is an example of utmost perfection. I really cannot
fault him, and new offering 'Cassy O' is no exception.
It's got a real sense of soul, purpose and joy, not to mention the catchiest
hookline you will probably hear all year.


My fave girl group EVER, because of their irrefutable coolness
and way of showing that girls CAN PLAY MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS
AND make decent rock and indie music are back with a new hit that once
again reminds us how AMAZING they are, and a video
that sees the girls bringing back synchronized dancing
(and making it look pretty damn cool).


As ever with Coldplay, Chris Martin's claims that their newest album
'might be their last' are once again proven to be false with the band putting
out a new single, 'Midnight', at midnight, completely out of blue.
Like tigers prowling in shade of the African outback, they've apparently been
waiting for the perfect time to pounce with this new beauty that is a complete
departure from 'Mylo Xyloto' but not a far step from recent release 'Atlas'.

Don't you just love music?

Sunday, February 23, 2014


Models in silver mini-dresses, playsuits, studded shoes, gloves and even Mail Coifs resemble a Medieval fashion army

It may only be February but one of my favourite designer labels Dolce and Gabbana 
have been gracing the Milan catwalk with their absolutely gorgeous new Autumn/ Winter 2014 collection 
inspired by beautiful fairytale imagery. Keys, flowers, lace, fur, embellishment,
animals, flowing fabrics... Take a look!

Luxurious blood red and chocolate fur coat with giant hood and pockets  






An otherworldly set features giant trees, a throne and lampshade as well as eerie Alice In Wonderland lighting

Stefano Dolce and Domenico Gabbana take a bow on the catwalk at the end of their magical FW14 women's show
